This New Laser Technology Can Now Fix OLED iPhone Displays; This Is How.

This New Laser Technology Can Now Fix OLED iPhone Displays

One of the most popular repairs among customers is to fix OLED panels in iPhones. There is new technology that will deal with screen problems in a different approach. OLED panels in iPhones can now be laser-fixed thanks to this technology. The new method also asserts that it saves money for users. With this method, OLED screen repairs don’t even need disassembling an iPhone. The procedure will become less expensive as it gets more widespread, according a report by AppleInsider.

How this new technology will work

A video explaining the operation of this technology was published by the YouTube user Strange Parts. In OLED displays, traces are microscopic passageways that move electrical impulses around the screen. These traces become corrupted when there are visible lines or other display problems on the screen. The device employs a laser to repair any damaged traces within the display. The same laser that made the panels is also being used to fix these damaged traces, according to the video.

This machine’s ability to repair the screen while it is on makes it special. This makes it easier for the operator to visually monitor the fixing process and recognize when the problem has been resolved.

With this device, the flex, which is attached to the front of the screen, may also be bent to the opposite side as necessary for adjustment. Each trace will be addressed by this unique technology until the screen line is completely gone.

The industry of screen refurbishment may undergo a revolution thanks to this technology, the paper claims. Users can avoid purchasing new smartphones by having broken screens that were previously irreparable fixed.

It’s crucial to remember that this technology cannot fix iPhone screens that have been physically harmed by fractures or scratches. Only OLED panels, which are typically fused to the glass, will be subject to the repair procedure.

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