The Flight Attendants Of American Airlines Decide To Strike.

The Flight Attendants Of American Airlines Decide To Strike.

Since 2019, the airline’s flight attendants have not seen a pay increase.

American Airlines flight attendants have unanimously approved a strike in an effort to secure a new labour agreement and higher compensation.

Over 26,000 employees of the carrier are represented by the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, which said that 99% of the vote was in favor of going on strike if talks with the airline do not result in appreciable improvements. The vote, however, does not indicate that a strike is about to occur or even likely. Federal law mandates that a mediator assess whether more discussions will not result in a new agreement; this action is uncommon.

The result, however, indicates to American Airlines that its flight attendants—who haven’t earned a raise since 2019—are “fired up” and prepared for a new labour agreement, according to Union President Julie Hedrick.

They do so at their peril, according to Hedrick, who issued a statement. “Our contributions to American Airlines’ success must be honoured and valued,”

There may be a walkout by employees at other airlines besides American. The Southwest Airlines Pilots Association said earlier this year that 99% of the airline’s pilots had voted in favour of authorizing a strike by the workers they represent.

Prior to the busiest travel season, United’s pilots also began to picket until the airline agreed to increase their pay by 40% over the following four years.

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