Report: In India, Gaming Is The Most Common Form Of Youth Entertainment.

Gaming Is The Most Common Form Of Youth Entertainment

A poll was done by Lenovo in collaboration with The Esports Club to better understand the playing preferences of Indian gamers. More than 70 cities throughout the nation’s cities contributed more than 18,000 responses to the study.

The survey’s findings indicate that gaming is the most widely used form of entertainment, with 60% of respondents indicating they play games with their friends on a casual basis. Esports platforms are used by many people to interact and fortify their relationships. It’s interesting to note that 82% of gamers play for longer than an hour at a time, and 88% play every day or frequently. This suggests that in India, gaming is gaining ground on more established forms of recreation.

The research shows that 89% of Indian gamers are under the age of 24, which is a significant trend for the Indian market. The typical gamer worldwide is 35 years old, which contrasts with this.

A majority of these gamers—roughly 71%—are currently continuing their education, and about 66% of them report that their parents occasionally support or actively encourage them. This highlights the varied backgrounds and aspirations within the Indian gaming community as well as the improvement in parental attitudes and points to a growing interest in gaming among kids in the nation.

The survey’s findings provided fascinating new information on the nation’s gamers. It was discovered that almost 82% of people polled participate in esports of some kind and are looking for enhanced gaming experiences on high-quality devices. Nearly all (94%) gamers choose to play from the comfort of their homes thanks to improved internet speeds and sophisticated equipment.

According to the report, most serious Indian gamers come from affluent families and are very active in the online community. Over half (53%) of gamers use Snapchat, and almost all (99%) of gamers use Instagram, illustrating the significant social media influence of this community.

In India, Gaming Is The Most Common Form Of Youth Entertainment

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