VC Colleagues, Your Jobs are at Risk from This AI


Being an investor means, unfortunately, that the vast majority of pitch decks that come in are entirely useless to the investor. Market size, founder profile, verticals, geography, ownership targets, round size, check size, etc. are all factors that are included in the investment thesis of every venture capital firm, no matter how big or small. Just the way VC operates. I can assure you that you are wasting everyone’s time if you send a growth-stage developer tool deck to an early-stage hardware investor or a pre-seed stage gaming monetization deck to a consumer tech fund.

The colleagues at a venture firm frequently act as the first line of defence against the onslaught of decks, but according to Deckmatch, that task can now be delegated to an AI. To move its technology from its prototype lab to the dealflow foyers of venture funds around the world, the company recently secured €1 million ($1.1 million).

“Based on my investment theory, I believe that a significant portion of value is produced by categorical acceptance and rejection. Then, you could extend that reasoning by asking, “How big is it?” Are you interested in it as a VC? Walid Mustapha, CTO at Oslo and co-founder of Deckmatch, asks in an interview, “Does this sort of do something novel in the market at the moment relative to all the other stuff you’re getting pitched?” “We’ll begin by producing 60% to 70% of the value provided by an associate. We have the potential to develop into a true partner with time.

In the first stage, the company will transform the unstructured data found in a pitch deck into structured data that may be utilized as a filter in comparison to the VCs’ filters. The company has ambitious aspirations for information aggregation that go beyond what is contained in its pitch deck, including making educated guesses about market size and market growth using AI in addition to integrating with other data sources to provide investment analysis.

What more tiles are available if the deck is just one tile in the mosaic? What information can we retrieve from the web? What kind of image could we draw? Deckmatch CEO Léo Gasteen in an interview. “The following step is to make the data move to the CRM system the VC is using, where it belongs. DeckMatch was created by us as an API-first platform.

To demonstrate its value-adding capabilities, the company has been participating in a closed beta test with about 60 VCs. It intends to use the cash to extend its operations, enhance its infrastructure and data analysis methods, and further develop its AI and machine learning skills.

The business claims that while it is beginning with VC companies and pitch decks, it has plans to bring its technology to other sectors, including recruitment and procurement.

“We envision a future in which venture capital and other industries’ decision-making processes are data-driven, freeing up more time for more strategic, imaginative, and human-centric endeavours, such as decision-making and relationship-building,” adds Gasteen. “When we consider venture capital, the transition from paper and pen to Word and Excel is likely the biggest change the sector has seen to date. We observe a peculiar paradox in which VCs support change while also appearing to be impervious to disruption and change. We appreciate the early commitment from our investors, which will help us expand our team and improve and develop our product.

Alliance VC served as the lead investor in the investment round. Skyfall Ventures and a few strategic angel investors also participated.

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